Tuesday 3 December 2013


X-mas is approaches, and soften our hearts..........
This weekend the Spanish people donated 15 million kg of no perishable food, 65 000 volunteers collected,packed and clasified it all,  this means that the "food banks " all over Spain can help families without income the next 6 months. I'm very proud of us, and Andalusia was the 2nd of the most giving districts, in name of the receivers, " gracias a todos".
 If you like to help, contact;

I like to chare the  music I love to play these days, Oslo Gospel Choir;

Beautiful  autumn leafs.

There are many ways to be solidary, and one way that doesn't cost you anything more than a little time is blood donation, both my daughters has been blood givers since fulfilling 18 years, and when the "Banco de Sangre" need more blood, they recive a letter in the post with the information of where they can donate blood, wery often in the different Universities, and there is non stop during several days.

Berit (back) and Andrea (front)
I never did it myself, always too occupied, but this time I wanted to do it, a heart operation for a child needs 6 units of blood, a liver transpalntation 8 units etc. etc.
With all the scientific avances, human blood is only available from the human body, 450 ml. is extracted in more or less in15 min., you must drink as much as the extracted amount, and not do any hard work or sport during that day, make it a habbit, only required that you have between 18 - 65 years, and your weight must be more than 50 kg., and generally good healt.Ladies 3 times and men 4 times a year.

You can get information here;
The actual vision of Sierra Nevada from  the Albayzin .
To give myself a little gift I  went to the florist to buy some Hyacinths, at this time of the year they always have them in small pots already sprouted, but none left, so I bought the bulbs and just have a centimeter of water in the bottom of the jar, in 24 hors you can see small green sprouts.

Night,night........................................sweet dreams!!!!!!!!

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